
Our bachelor degrees in 艺术与设计 and 艺术教育 will challenge your creativity and elevate your 技能, 让你探索和完善你的手艺.
发现行为背后的生物学意义, 和同学一起钻研研究, 并帮助解开身心问题背后的谜团. 开始您的旅程,进入这个前沿领域在圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台.
拥有St. 可以买滚球的正规平台, you'll be equipped to investigate and impact the world with the 技能 of a natural scientist.
Solve problems and oversee function and maintenance in 组织, 安全公司, 政府, 还有你的计算机网络管理学位. 你对效率的勤奋, 注重细节, and persistence through challenges is rewarded and recognized at St. 可以买滚球的正规平台.
数字讲故事,但不是每个人都说这种语言. 随着商业越来越深入数字时代, the need for curious and talented data scientists and analysts rapidly grows. 数据会对你说话吗? Join this state-of-the-industry program and see where data can take you.
Our 法医心理学 program ties the classroom to the world, 你会在经历中茁壮成长. 作为受害者辩护律师实习. 通过项目和资源指导前囚犯. 或者,研究犯罪模式. 在SAU,你的教育放大了你在世界上的影响力.
Issues and challenges are opportunities to transform the world. Our 国际研究 program emboldens you with the education and 技能 to navigate and influence global policy, 改善第三世界国家的状况, 或者在国际上教书. 这是一个广泛的教育, 充满了新的体验, so you can discover your passion and become a force of change.
Whether you are an IT professional who wants to advance into corporate management or a business professional who wants to move into IT, we offer a unique and rare MSITM program that can help you achieve your goals.
如果你认为这个世界有无限的潜力, 喜欢解决问题, 设想一个真正有影响力的职业生涯, our 机械工程 program will inspire you onward to advance the energy sector, 改善正规买球平台有哪些供水系统, 简化制造, 和更多的.
你是否想学习法律, 行医, or increase your ability to reason and spot fallacious arguments, 哲学是思想和发现的核心. 这是对生活更好的准备.
In our psychology programs you'll dive into the study of human behavior and emotion to gain the knowledge, 技能, and compassion to identify strengths and honor the perspective of each person you meet.
Public Relations is a broad and exciting profession that can make a difference, 在组织之间建立桥梁, 负责媒体关系, 并保护每个行业的品牌声誉. If your desire is to shape and influence how people engage with brands, 组织, 和媒体, 你进入公共关系领域的职业道路应该从St. 可以买滚球的正规平台.
Whether you want to teach third-graders how to draw or inspire high school students to experiment with mediums, our teacher education program prepares you for licensure and a successful career.
追求实践探索的道路, 培养好奇的头脑, and impact the living world around you in our 生物学 program.
我们屡获殊荣的交流项目正等着你. You could be the next journalist to inform and change people's minds, 下一个让组织脱颖而出的公关奇才, 或者是下一个与听众建立联系的电台名人.
Massive data breaches or dangerous cyber attacks are becoming more frequent. Why not fight on the front line in defense of cybersecurity and data integrity? Our tenacious faculty stay versed on the latest 太ls and trends and built a strong curriculum to provide the 太ls, 技能 and resolve you'll need to win the day (and a great job.)
无论你的梦想是推动航空电子领域的发展, 设计清洁能源风电场, or create new assistive technology so people can live more active lives, 机械与工业工程专业. 可以买滚球的正规平台可以把你的计划付诸行动.
Whether you want to turn your passion for the past into your profession or seek the 技能 you need for a legal, 政治, 或者商业生涯, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 has the program to set you on a path to achieving your goals.
We believe education should strengthen your dedication to create a better world. Our 正义、多样性和性别研究 program focuses on diverse issues and action. 通过可以买滚球的正规平台, 公民参与, 还有有意义的实习, you'll become a vocal advocate and a world-shaper who thrives – and helps others thrive, 太.
专注于分析, 资料解释, 犯罪分析, our 刑事司法理学硕士 degree will get your career going in the right direction.
记者见证世界. 他们也会分享. At SAU, you'll learn the art of balancing facts, perspective, and personal stories. 你将建立你的道德和创造力, and gain the 写作 and technical abilities to inform readers and viewers in a thought-provoking manner.
你是否渴望成为政治领袖, 法律, 政府服务, 或者在公共机构内部, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台有一个帮助你实现目标的项目.
通过探索文化和环境, 你要学会驾驭犯罪的方方面面, 贫困, 和不平等. 在圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台, our 社会学 program helps you understand our broad world and the forces that shape life. 这是一种赋予你信心和行动的教育.
In addition to being prepared to live lives of active faith and service within faith communities, our graduates are ready to approach the challenges of the world, 以及他们多样化的职业道路, 以深思熟虑和创造性的方式.
如果你把艺术看作是一种语言, 因为它的美丽和对历史文化的深刻反映, 我们将教你如何保存和种植收藏品, 把故事讲清楚, 尊重艺术中表达的真理.
实践医学实验室训练可以增强你的技能, preparing you for a fulfilling career focused on microbiology, 病毒学, 免疫学, 血液学, 和更多的.
We offer bachelor's degrees in Computer Science, 计算机网络管理, and 网络安全.
Whether you aspire to keep your community safe using the 太ls of 法律 enforcement, 阻止青少年进入司法系统, 或者获得提升你职业生涯所需的学位, SAU的教育可以让它成为现实.
你是否为教书而奋斗, 法律, 写作, 图书馆学, 或者是其他一些行业, 在St学习英语. 可以买滚球的正规平台 helps you acquire 技能 and gain opportunities to master your craft.
Whether you want to create more efficient manufacturing processes, 为消费者提高产品质量, 或者监督工作场所的改进, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台会挑战和支持你.
Increase your pastoral responsibilities and ministries with the 教牧神学硕士 program.
无论你的目标是分析统计数据, 在初中或高中阶段教孩子数学, 或者钻研新兴的数据科学领域, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 has an outstanding Mathematics program that can help you succeed.
圣音乐. 可以买滚球的正规平台丰富而富有表现力, providing the in-depth training and experience that aspiring musicians and educators need.
Whether your goal is to defend clients in the courtroom or guide mergers and acquisitions, we offer a challenging pre-法律 program that will help you build your ethics and act on your values. An Ambrosian education is excellent preparation for 法律 school.
Satisfy your curiosity for other cultures with a major in 西班牙语和拉丁语研究. At SAU, you can be a global citizen who learns from every person and every culture. 让自己沉浸其中,用新的眼光看世界, 在就业市场上获得优势, 实现你对学习的热情.
学生将学习神经学, 心理, 生物, and sociologic research around trauma in order to work actively to prevent adversity while promoting resilience in others through inclusive, 移情作用的, 以及富有同情心的互动, 政策, 和实践.


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